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NRV Leading Lights Volunteer Awards extends nomination deadline

New River Valley Leading Lights logo. (Copyright 2025 by New River Leading Lights - All rights reserved.)

NEW RIVER VALLEY, Va.The New River Valley Leading Lights announced they are extending the deadline for nominations for their volunteer awards to Friday, March 28.

The Leading Lights Awards are awarded to outstanding volunteers in each county and city of the NRV every year in three categories:

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  • community (seven awards)
  • high school (two awards)
  • college (two awards)

One person is also awarded the entire NRV to recognize Lifetime Volunteer Achievement. The recipienst of the awards are judged on the following criteria:

  • Strong community involvement
  • Demonstrated lifestyle of dedicated, continuous, long-term involvement to the community
  • Proven leadership
  • Creativity in initiating and implementing projects that lead to a better quality of life

Recipients of awards are honored at a celebratory banquet that is set to be held on April 29. The recipients are also honored with a monetary donation to the non-profit of their choice.

You can submit your nominations online here.