Don't have a primary care physican? You can still get a mammogram

Mammograms are crucial for early detection of breast cancer

Mammogram screenings are crucial for early detection of breast cancer, but many women face delays in getting them. These delays often occur because women either don’t have a primary care physician or can’t see one promptly. However, there are alternatives available.

Dr. Jolene Henshaw, a local doctor and surgeon specializing in breast surgery at LewisGale in Blacksburg, emphasizes the importance of mammograms for her patients. She notes that many women delay their mammograms because they wait to see a primary care physician first.

“I’ve had patients who moved to the area, and it took them months to get into a primary care physician, which delayed their mammogram for a new breast problem that turned out to be cancer,” Dr. Henshaw said. “We hate to see that delay in diagnosis when it’s so vital to catch things early.”

Dr. Henshaw points out that you do not need a doctor’s order to get a mammogram. You can call one of the breast imaging centers at LewisGale to schedule an appointment quickly. Alternatively, appointments can be made online, with availability as early as the same week. 10 News checked for appointments and multiple times were available at various locations as quickly as two days out.

“So if you call one of the breast centers and they and you don’t have a physician, they can actually direct you to our clinic or to one of the resident clinics to be seen rapidly and get that mammogram ordered, because, again, early diagnosis is the most important thing with breast cancer,” Dr. Henshaw said.

To schedule a mammogram with a LewisGale Physician click here.

What is a Mammogram?

According to the CDC, mammograms for breast cancer screening can help find breast cancer early—before there are any signs or symptoms. Mammograms use x-ray beams (a form of ionizing radiation) to create images of the inside of the breast. Healthcare providers use mammograms to check for breast cancer and other conditions in the breast of both men and women.

Finding and treating cancer early can greatly improve the chances of full recovery and may mean shorter and less invasive treatments.

The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends:

  • Mammograms every two years for women who are 50-74 years old and are at average risk for breast cancer.
  • Women who are 40-49 years old should talk to their healthcare provider about when or how often to get a mammogram based on personal risk and health history.

Screening Mammogram vs Diagnostic Mammogram.

“Mammogram screening means you don’t have any breast issues at the time,” said Dr. Henshaw. “Things like lumps or nipple discharge, those type things actually need diagnostic mammograms because they’re looking at a specific problem. So a screening, a mammogram can be signed up on the internet or by phone, by anybody at any time. A diagnostic mammogram requires a physician order. And unfortunately, it can be very hard to get into your primary care physician or to find a new primary care physician if you don’t have one.

According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, a screening mammogram and a diagnostic mammogram are similar in many ways: The same machine is used, your breasts are compressed with clear plastic paddles before the images are taken, and the steps you need to take to prepare for both tests (such as not wearing deodorant, lotion, or perfume on your breasts or under your arms, etc.) are the same.

There are three main things that set them apart:

  • The number of images taken: Two or more images of each breast are captured during a screening mammogram, usually from top to bottom and side to side. During a diagnostic mammogram, the technologist takes more images that provide radiologists with a detailed view of the breast from several different angles. He or she may also use different imaging techniques, which can include magnification and spot compression, to get a closer look at the area(s) of concern. As a result, it takes longer for technologists to perform diagnostic mammograms than screening mammograms, which are usually completed in about 20 minutes.
  • The dose of radiation: Since more images are captured, you receive a higher dose of radiation during a diagnostic mammogram than during a screening mammogram. But the dose is still very small, and experts agree that the benefits of getting mammograms outweigh any negative effects of radiation exposure. If you’re concerned about potential risks involved, speak with your doctor.
  • When the radiologist interprets the results: When you get a screening mammogram, it takes several days for a radiologist to evaluate the images and report the findings to your doctor. But during a diagnostic mammogram, the radiologist typically evaluates the X-rays while you’re at the testing facility in case he or she needs to request additional images. Based on the results, your doctor may recommend additional types of tests, such as an ultrasound of the breast.

About the Author
Rachel Lucas headshot

Watch Rachel anchor weekdays during 10 News at 5, 5:30, 6 and 7 p.m. Rachel also specializes in health reporting and provides daily reports during HealthWatch. A Southwest Virginia native, Rachel takes pride in covering local news for the place she calls home.