New River Valley residents navigate second snowfall of the month

BLACKSBURG, Va. – The snow came down consistently all morning for the second time this month, and for the folks living in the New River Valley, it’s been a love-hate relationship with all this weather.

“After the last snowstorm, we had a couple of days with rain and probably things were getting back on track for the upcoming spring weather and stuff, but we are back to square one,” said Soura Deep, a resident in Blacksburg.

Around Blacksburg, there was a bit of everything in terms of conditions. Folks were out in their regular routine, and main roads were clear for the most part, like 460 and Main Street. But not everyone saw clear roads.

In the neighborhoods and backroads of Blacksburg, there was about a quarter inch of snow causing slippery conditions.

I went around knocking on people’s doors to talk to them about the current weather.

Like the road conditions, I got a mix of everything on how they feel about this weather. Some are ready for it to be over.

“I’m ready for spring to be here,” said Amy Schott, a resident. “I certainly love it initially, but after so many weeks of it, I get tired of it.”

“This weather has been a little crazier than usual, but I am hoping it is going to stop anytime soon now,” said Soura Deep.

While others like it.

“It’s good, you know, I like cold weather,” said Brett Sherfy, a Blacksburg resident. “It’s fun to be outside and just playing in the snow and enjoying being in the snow, it’s actually pretty pleasant right now.”

Everyone is just glad this isn’t ice like the last storm.

About the Author
Thomas Mundy headshot

Thomas grew up right here in Roanoke and is a graduate of Salem High School and Virginia Tech.