Holiday travel starts as state police urge for patience on the road

ROANOKE, Va. – Folks are loading up their cars and heading down the road to see family and friends for the holiday, but while on the roads, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can to keep you and your loved ones safe.

“With all the people that are going to be on the roadway during this time, it’s particularly important that you pay attention to what you’re doing and what others are doing around you. With all the people that are going to be on the roadway during this time, it’s particularly important that you pay attention to what you’re doing and what others are doing around you.”

Sergeant Rick Garletts, VSP Public Information Officer for District 6

He said right now, the biggest issue has been a lack of patience from drivers.

“Everybody seems to be angry about something. Just relax. Let’s take our time. Let’s drive safely, and let’s get everybody where they need to be this holiday.”

Sergeant Rick Garletts, VSP Public Information Officer for District 6

He also said seeing bad accidents during the holiday season is hard for everyone involved.

“The holiday season is always tougher, especially when you have to go talk to a family about someone being critically injured or killed.”

Sergeant Rick Garletts, VSP Public Information Officer for District 6

There are some general rules for folks to follow to keep everyone safe.

“Let’s wear our seatbelts, first off. Let’s obey the speed limit. Let’s not drink and drive. Let’s pay attention on the roadway so you can get your family gathering or whatever gathering you’re going to safely.”

Sergeant Rick Garletts, VSP Public Information Officer for District 6

I then stopped at a rest area off Interstate 81 to talk to folks in the middle of their holiday travels.

“I honestly sing Christmas carols. I put on Christmas music and just sing and along and that is what keeps me like going and happy and just like ‘oh yay!’”

Theresa Taylor, a traveler from Pennsylvania

Garletts said he just wants to remind folks to be patient during any traveling this holiday season.

About the Author
Thomas Mundy headshot

Thomas grew up right here in Roanoke and is a graduate of Salem High School and Virginia Tech.