Patrick County teen who survived a horrific crash throws out first pitch at Salem Red Sox game

Lauren Worley was in a fight for her life six months ago after a head-on collision

SALEM, Va. – Lauren Worley continues to defy the odds after she nearly lost her life in a severe car crash.

10 News has followed Worley’s recovery for months. Throughout it, her family has continued to be guided by their faith. They will always think back to her survival as a miracle.

Worley has gotten to experience the things most high schoolers look forward to their senior year, prom and graduation.

However, on Friday she got the unique experience of throwing out the first pitch at the Salem Red Sox game.

“When I found out I was extremely excited. I got a little nervous when I got here. I was is a lot more than I expected but I was very happy and honored to give the pitch,” Worley said.

Worley’s parents Chris and Mandy have been there every step of the way. They often would videotape the therapy sessions and little steps along the way in her recovery process. Multiple videos show Lauren throwing a ball while laying in bed in the hospital.

“Do you think that was maybe a sign of foreshadowing to this moment,” 10 News asked Chris.

“I have to...I have to give...I continue to give all credit to God because this has never really happened before, so this is a miracle and we’ve seen all the prayers being answered. In the hospital, we didn’t know what we were going to get. We didn’t think we’d get her back like this and she’s back,” he said.

Friday’s first pitch was even more special with who was behind home plate to catch Lauren’s throw, her Neurosurgeon Dr. Vaibhev Patel.

“It is quite a miracle and it’s an amazing recovery. I’ll tell you there is a team of people that have helped me, helped Lauren along the way. I wish I could take all the credit, but there’s a big team I even larger team at Carilion Clinic all over that has helped her along the way. It means everything to me to see her in this condition that she’s in,” Patel said.

Lauren tells 10 News she’s finished the last of her therapy sessions and plans on taking some general study college classes this fall.

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