Newborn babies at San Antonio hospital celebrate first Halloween

From Mario to sweet treats and fighters, these NICU babies are ready for the big day

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Methodist Children's Hospital

Newborns at Methodist Children's Hospital dress up for their first Halloween.

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – These babies are ready for Halloween, thanks to nurses and volunteers in Texas.

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Newborn babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Methodist Children’s Hospital in San Antonio got to show off in their handmade costumes made by the nurses and volunteers with Threads of Love, a nonprofit organization, our sister station reported.

Methodist told KSAT it’s a yearly tradition to help bring some joy to families of babies receiving care in the NICU.

“Having a child in the NICU can be stressful for parents and loved ones. This annual festive tradition helps families and NICU staff celebrate the holiday,” the hospital said.

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About the Author
Alli Graham headshot

Alli Graham came aboard the digital team as an evening digital content producer in June 2022.